• Question: I was vegetarian for 3 months and lost weight but I did not want to. is a Vegetarian diet better

    Asked by anon-241409 to Ross, Natalia, Martin, Gabriela, Ellie, Chukwuka on 11 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Ross Alexander

      Ross Alexander answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      Hi, that is a really complicated question to answer.
      Both vegetarian and meat containing diets are healthy if nutritious foods are consumed.
      Nutrients are easier absorbed and obtained with a meat containing diet. While some diseases and health issues are slowed or prevented with a vegetarian diet. To find a happy medium with each diet, maybe reducing you meat intake, might help.

      Whatever diet you take you need to make sure that you are getting enough calories to match your level of excercise. that might mean bigger portion sizes with the vegetarian diet.

      other than weight loss, did the diet make you feel healthy?

    • Photo: Gabriela da Silva Xavier

      Gabriela da Silva Xavier answered on 12 Mar 2020:

      It really depends on nutrient intake- i.e. you are taking in the things you need for the body to function- and matching your caloric intake with your activity levels. Whether a diet is ‘better’ depends on whether you are able to do those things by taking in the right components. A change in diet needs to be carefully considered as you need to find information to help you choose what you eat appropriately.
