• Question: Which food would you recommend for someone heading out to play golf - they'll be walking for about 4 hours?

    Asked by anon-241427 to Gabriela on 11 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Gabriela da Silva Xavier

      Gabriela da Silva Xavier answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      This was an interesting question and I looked it up in the medical literature. There were quite a few studies looking at golf in terms of the intensity of exercise and energy expenditure in men and women- I also found one that compared golf with lawn-mowing- as golf was thought to be a good way for people to do exercise over a prolonged period of time. The data do take in to account the terrain- so was the golf course quite hilly or was it quite flat- the age of the participants, etc. Golf is not generally considered a high intensity activity; energy expenditure was quite similar to lawn mowing, and actually quite similar to my energy expenditure when I go hill walking for 1/2 a day, so I don’t think there needs to be a huge deviation from the normal diet to account for this activity.
